
Tuesday, 13 September 2011

pine cones autumn centrepiece / aranjament de toamna cu conuri

Simple pine cones table centrepiece.
 I rescued the glass from my attick dumped there by the former owners. It was an old gas lamp, and only the glass was left from it.

Un aranjament de toamna foarte simplu.
Am recuperat sticla din pod aruncata acolo de fostii proprietari. E sticla de la o lampa veche pe gaz . Doar sticla a mai ramas dein ea.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Pink paper cakes / Torturi roz din hartie

Iti place?

Do you like it?

I'd love to hear ideas on what to do with them, how to decorate them, what theme party you have in mind.

Paper cakes / |Torturi din hartie

Torturi, torturi, torturi! As vrea sa fac un tort mai deosebit pentru cineva. Poate intr-o zi.

Paper cakes!!! I would love to make a special paper cake for somebody for a special occasion. Something special, something different. Maybe one day!