
Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year clock favor boxes

 The inspiration for this favour cake came from fiskars. Take a look at their decor which inspired me. My hubby handwritten the Roman numbers while I was cooking 
Well, Happy New Year everyone!

Inspiratia pentru tortul asta a venit de la decorul care l-am vazut la fiskars. Poti sa-l vezi aici. Sotul a scris cifrele in timp ce eu gateam. Limbile ceasului le-am pastrat de la un ceas vechi care mi-au placut tare mult.
La Multi Ani!
Va doresc ce imi doresc si mie: fericire!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Coronita si aranjament pentru masa de Craciun cu verde

Anul asta am facut aranjamente si pe verde si imi place rezultatul.

Aranjament de masa de Craciun cu lumanare / Christmas table centerpiece with candle

Facts about Christmas:
Did you know that the colors that people buy most are red and gold? Yes, 100% success. If you want to sell something for Christmas do it in red and gold. I mean together.
A surprise  for me was natural. Oh, yeah, people like and buy natural colors for Christmas (natural meaning earth tone colors, browns, creams). As I observed, people's homes/furniture are brown so they want something similar for Christmas. Unfortunately I am not very good when it comes to natural colors. I tend to overload. But I am still very proud of my work. On the other hand my sister is amazing in neutrals colors. In fact her favorite color is brown, so I guess no surprise there.
Another surprise for me was that people buy pink. It doesn't sell like crazy, but it is nice to have other colors too, not only gold and red.

The colors that don't sell 100% is purple. Yes, nobody likes purple/mauve for Christmas. Very close to that is blue. A total surprise for me is that white and silver don't sell very well. Accents of white and silver - ok. But not as a main color.
I don't know about green. So this year I make about 2 wreaths. Wait, if I think about it, last year I had a green and gold wreath and it sold, so I guess green is not a bad color for Christmas either.
I would love to see your Christmas wreaths and table centrepieces. So, please send me a link to your blog.

Adevaruri despre Craciun:
Stiai caci culorile care se vand cel mai bine de Craciun sunt rosu si auriu? Da, succes garantat 100%. Daca vrei sa vinzi ceva de Craciun atunci fa in rosu si auriu. Vreau sa spun impreuna.
O surpriza pentru mine a fost ca se vand culorile naturale. Da, oamenii cumpara culori naturale de Craciun, adica maro, crem. Din cate am observat, oamnenii cam au in casa culori maro (ex mobila) asa ca vor ceva in ton pentru Craciun. Din pacate nu prea am ochi pentru natural. Tind sa tot adaug globuri si fonte pana nu mai e natural. Pe de alta parte sora mea e fantastica cand e vorba de natural. De fapt culoarea ei preferata e maroul, asa ca banuiesc ca e ceva normal pentru ea.
O alta surpriza pentru mine a fost ca oamenii cumpara roz. Nu se vinde la fel ca rosul si auriul, dar e fain sa ai si alte culori.

Culoarea care nu se vinde este movul. Se pare ca la nimeni nu-i place movul de Craciun. Foarte aproape de mov este albastrul. O surpriza foarte mare a fost ca albul si argintiul nu se vand foarte bine. Doar accente de alb si argintiu e foarte bine, dar nu ca si culoare principala.
Nu stiu daca verdele se vinde. Asa ca anul asta am facut 2 aranjamente cu verde. Stai, daca ma gandesc mai bine, anul trecut am avut o coronita pe verde si auriu care s-a vandut, asa ca poate nu e o culoare asa de rea pentru Craciun :-)

Mi-ar placea sa vad ce coronite si aranjamente de Craciun ati facut voi. Asa ca trimiti un link.

Coronita de Craciun rosu si auriu

 Am inceput sa fac aranjamente de Craciun, coronite, braduleti. Cred ca a sosit momentul.

slice of cake Christmas gift tags envelopes

I know. I've got some favour boxes exactly the same. I guess this was the idea. Not the usual gift tags, but some with a twist.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Christmas red envelope / slice of cake - gift tags

These are my Christmas gift tags. Each is an envelope in the shape of a ... surprise... a slice of cake. Really pleased how they turned out...thou no commercial success. Oh, well...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Handmade Christmas red necklace

Cusutul ! E chiar interesant sa cosi, sa pui bucati laolata si sa iese ceva care sa te faca sa te simti de 1 milion de euro.
Binenteles, eu n-am ajuns acolo. Slabe sanse sa ajung vreodata.

Handmade Christmas red brooch / Brosa facuta de mana

Da, mi-am incercat si indemanarea la facut de bijuterii. Interesanta mai e viata! Daca as fi vandut ceva mai bine bijuteriile mele (e drept, de incepator - stiu ca nu sunt cine stie ce. Era doar experimental) mica mea cariera se indrepta spre facut de bijuterii. Dar nu s-au vandut asa ca m-am indreptat spre cutii din hartie. Din pacate ramura asta (cutii din carton) e aproape inexistenta in Romania.

M-am gandit sa postez ce am rosu ca sa fiu in ton cu Craciunul!

Friday, 2 December 2011

handmade paper Christmas poissetia / floare de Craciun poinsetia

Handmade paper flowers in red, white and cream.
I made each petal separately (cut and glued). Beautiful result but time consuming
I'm thinking of making a wreath out of these flowers.
But they can be added to any gift, embellish boxes, scrapbooking, card making.

Handmade Christmas white angel wings - use as gift, gift tag or hang them on a wall. / Aripi de inger din hartie alba

Am facut aripile astea de inger cam acum 2 ani. Am folosit doar hartie alba si lipici. A, si am folosit si perle albe la unele din ele. Cred ca arata super adaugate la un cadou, ca si gift tag sau pur si simplu agatate pe perete sau pe usa.

I made these angel wings about 2 years ago or so. i used only white paper and glue. Oh, and I also used white pearl beads for some of them. I think they are a great addition to a gift, used as gift tag or just hanged on a wall or door.

Christmas tree/cone advent boxes/ Cutii advent

Some other advent boxes that I tried this year. In the end I decide to let go. I have time to work on them till next Christmas. Something is missing. I'll figure it out.

Christmas baubles gift tags

Some other Christmas baubles gift tags: my favourite ones, with handmade paper feathers and butterfly punches in red and ivory.

Christmas baubles gift tags

So I thought I try my hands on new things this year: gift tags.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Christmas door hat wreath

So, this is my alternative to the door/wall wreath - hat wreath.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

fular si caciula pentru sticla de vin

M-am gandit sa fac si eu o caciulita si fular pentru sticla de vin. Rezultatul e super. Chiar imi place. Cred ca e o idee faina pentru un cadou. Dar nu e pentru mine. Dureaza prea mult s-o fac. Prefer tot hartia.