
Inima din muschi de padure handmade / Handmade moss heart - topiary heart


Am facut inima asta in primavara din muschi de padure.Toamna trecuta ne-am mutat intr-o casuta in Muntii Apuseni, Padurea e la cativa metri distanta si binenteles ca e plin de muschi pe copaci.
 Inima in sine e foarte simplu de facut. Baza e din polistiren. Apoi faci agrafe din sarma. Tot secretul e sa culegi bucati cat mai mari de .muschi . Am facut tot felul de forme, copacei, topiary. Din pacate n-am poze. Si din pacate pasarelele le ciugulesc daca le lasi afara. Nu-mi dau seama de ce. Poate cred ca-i iarba. Asa ca se chelesc.
Poate o sa fac un tutorial. Poate mai vrea si altcineva sa faca asa ceva. Adevarul e ca sunt superbe si fac impresie. 

I made this moss heart back in spring. We moved last autumn in a small house somewhere in Apuseni Mt. The wood is just a few steps away and of course the trees are full of moss.
The moss heart is very simple to make. You need the base which is polystiren. Then I made some king of pins from some wire. The whole secret in doing these moss hearts is to gather pieces of moss as big as you can. I made all kind of shapes, trees, topiaries. Unfortunatelly I do not have any pictures. And unfortunately the little birds eat them. I don't know why. Maybe they think is grass. So, they're getting bold. 
Maybe I'll make a tutorial. Maybe someone else would like to make something similar. The truth is that they are superb and everybody is impressed.