
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Martisor de 1 Martie / March 1st spring trinket

Nici nu mi-am dat seama, dar 1 Martie e dupa colt! Nu mi-as fi dat seama, dar Doamna Soacra mi-a trimis un martisor (dragut din partea ei!). Noi sus la munte suntem rupti de realitate, iar timpul nu e relevant.


Asa ca m-am gandit sa pun si eu un mesaj cu ocazia venirii primaverii (pentru toata lumea, nu doar pentru femei):  Sa aveti parte de multe primaveri si inceputuri noi!

I never realized but March 1st is round the corner. I would have never realized but My Monster-in-Law sent me a 'spring trinket' (that was very nice of her). Here in the mountains time is irrelevant.
So, I thought I say something nice with this occasion (the coming of spring) to everyone, not only to women (as it is the custom in Romania): May your life be full of Springs and new beginnings!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Flower 'tulip' favor boxes in peach and ivory / Marturii de nunta (botez) 'lalea' in crem si culoarea piersicii

In the spirit of 'Why should all favor boxes be the same?' I made these flower like favor boxes, this time in pale peach and ivory. The fun part is that I can play with the colors of the 'petals'.

In ideea ca 'De ce ar trebui toate marturiile de nunta / botez sa fie la fel?' am facut cutiile astea care arata ca niste flori (lalele imi place mie sa cred) in culoarea piersicii si ivoriu/crem. Partea faina este ca ma pot 'juca' cu 'petalele' cutiilor si le pot schimba culorile.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Mixed favor boxes / Marturii de nunta - botez elegante sau pline de culoare

Last night I was thinking why should all favor boxes be the same? I mean, same color, same pattern? With this idea in mind I started making some samples. So, slices of cakes in different colors and different embellishments for a mixed party. If something more elegant is required I made a set of 4 lilac and white butterfly favor boxes. (lot more than 4 patterns can be made with the butterfly punches - depending on my imagination )

Aseara ma gandeam de ce toate marturiile (de nunta sau de botez) trebuie sa fie la fel? Ma refer la aceeasi culoare si model? Asa ca, cu ideea asta in minte m-am apucat sa fac niste mostre.
In prima faza am facut felii de tort (din carton)  in diferite culori si diferite modele (cu flori si fluturi)  pentru o petrecere mai simpla.
Pentru o petrecere mai eleganta am facut un set de 4 modele (pe mov deschis si alb) (se pot obtine mult mai multe modele - depinde doar de imaginatie).

Friday, 24 February 2012

Peacock paper feather / Pana de paun din hartie

I make these feathers from paper card and I sell them in sets of 50. Yesterday while making some for a client I was thinking I would like to make a special feather.

Fac penele astea din carton si le vand la set de 50 buc. Ieri, in timp ce faceam o comanda pentru cineva, m-am gandit ca ar fi fain sa fac o pana mai speciala.

So, I started making different patterns.

Asa ca am inceput sa fac diferite modele.

My aim was to make a peacock feather from paper card. After many hours of trial and error this is the result.

Vroiam sa fac o pana de paun asa ca dupa multe ore de incercari, iata ce a iesit:


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Slice of cake favor box with beads bracelet / Cutie marturie de nunta sau botez cu bratara din margele

 I have discovered an easy way to finish off my slice of cake favor boxes. Do you know those beads bracelets that little girls wear? Well, you just wrap them around the box, and... that's it! After they take home the goodies and eat them, they can wear the beads bracelet. Fun!

Am desoperit un mod inedit de a infrumuseta cutiile  favoruri (de nunta sau botez). Orice fetita are si poarta bratari din margele. Ei bine, le pui in jurul cutiei si...gata! Dupa ce oaspetii iau acasa cutia marturie si mananca dulciurile dinauntru pot purta si bratara din margele. Super!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Slice of cake favor box with paper feather / Cutie marturie de nunta cu pene din hartie

 Feathers! Who doesn't love the feathers? They're so soft. For these slice of cake favor boxes I used the paper feathers that I'm making and the combination is so beautiful!

Pene! Cui nu-i plac penele? Sunt asa de moi! Pentru cutiile astea marturii de nunta am folosit pene din hartie (pe care le fac eu) iar combinatia e asa de frumoasa!


Monday, 20 February 2012

Favor box in ivory, yellow paper feathers and pearl beads / Cutie marturie in ivoriu, pene galbene si perle.

I love yellow and i love pearls. And for this slice of cake favor box I used ivory card for the box, yellow card for the feathers and pearl beads in various sizes. I've been doing these handmade paper feathers for quite some time now and I love them. Love the result.

Imi place galbenul si perlele. Si pentru cutia asta marturie (de nunta) am folosit carton ivoriu pentru cutie, carton galben pentru pene si perle in diferite maimi. Fac penele astea de ceva timp si imi plac tare. Iar combinatia e super.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Pink and red heart favor boxes / Cutii marturii de nunta inima din carton roz si rosu

This is a fun paper favor cake or a favor cake with a twist. 
You can choose to display it as a cake OR you can make 6 hearts with it.
Again you can give the hearts away as full hearts or half hearts if you have more guests.
And AGAIN if you decide to offer them as full hearts you can glue 2 halves together and have 2 different compartments, thus being able to offer sweet AND salty treats.
When I made it I didn't think would be so gorgeous and versatile.

Acesta este un tort din carton colorat care poate fi folosit ca si cutii / marturii de nunta sau botez.
Partea frumoasa e ca poti sa-l aranjezi ca si un tort SAU sa faci 6 inimi.
Din nou, poti sa oferi inimile intregi sau felli de inima (daca ai mai multi oaspeti).
Si, DIN NOU, daca te decizi sa le oferi ca si inimi pline, poti lipi 2 jumatati si astfel sa ai o inima intreaga cu 2 compartimente, si astfel sa poti oferi intr-un compartiment dulce SI in celalalt sarat.
Cand am facut cutiile acestea nu m-am gandit ca or sa fie asa de frumoase si de versatile!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Red origami butterfly mobile hanging

 I love mobile hangings. This one is a very simple one: lots of red origami butterflies. Someone wanted them for a Japanese Theme Valentine's Dinner, which I agree it would look gorgeous.

Monday, 6 February 2012

White Icy Valentine / Masa de Sf. Valentin cu blocuri de gheata

I had a mini shoot today. I wanted to make a shoot for quite some time now. I was looking for ideas and I saw this beautiful idea with blocks of ice. So I thought: this is it! It snowed so much that my hubby came with the idea to sculpt the snow a little and make it the table, and so we did. Then he gathered some icicles. So, last evening I put water in different recipients, and this is the result. Not very happy, but this is my second time that I'm trying this 's so is ok. The first time it was on New Year Eve and it was a disaster with the lighting. Besides that I overdid the table and was so much going on that I couldn't see anything right. 
I just love the ice recipients with the candles, and hopefully before the winter is gone, I'll make a shoot with ice blocks only. Tones of them. Fingers crossed.

Azi am avut o mica sedinta foto. Am tot vrut sa fac o astfel de sedinta foto: o masa de petrecere (sora-mea face mese pt petreceri ). Ma uitam dupa idei pe net si am vazut ideea asta cu blocuri de ghiata. Si mi-am zis: asta e! A nins asa de mult ca sotul a zis sa sculptam putin zapada si sa facem din ea masa. Apoi a adunat niste turturi. Asa ca aseara am pus apa in mai multe recipiente, si asta e rezultatul! Nu sunt foarte multumita, dar e a doua oara cand incerc asa ceva asa ca e ok. Prima oara a fost de Revel si a fost un dezastru in ceea ce priveste lumina. Si apoi am supraincarcart masa asa ca nu s-a vazut nimic calumea. Imi place tare mult cum arata  recipientele de gheata cu lumanarile. Sper sa mai fac o sedinta foto numai cu blocuri de gheata. O gramada de ele. Pana nu trece iarna. Sper.                                                          

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Inimi roz din hartie / Hanging pink paper hearts

 With Valentine's Day around the corner, I thought these paper hearts are a great decor idea. All you need is a heart punch (of course you can cut them by hand) big enough to look well hung. Then you glue them together, and ....voila! Oh, just add the hanging loop :). They look great hung on a white painted branch.

Mai sunt cateva zile si vine Sf. Valentin, asa ca m-am gandit ca inimile astea din hartie sunt o idee frumoasa pentru un decor mai romantic. Tot ce ai nevoie este un perforator in forma de inima (poti sa le tai si cu foarfeca), care sa fie destul de mare ca sa arate bine agatate. Apoi le lipesti impreuna si...gata! Arata bine agatate pe o crenguta vopsita in alb sau insirate.