
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Santa's suit favour boxes as Advent calendar / Cutii marturii pentru Craciun, calendare de Advent

The thing with my paper crafts is that in summer I think of winter and the other way round. So, last summer I was brainstorming for Christmas. Beside other ideas that came to me, also these Christmas favour boxes that I was thinking to use as advent calendar boxes. Although I love them I just didn't have the time to add them in my shop and sell them. Oh well, maybe next year...unless I come up with better ideas.
In ceea ce priveste creatiile mele din hartie observ ca vara ma gandesc la cele pentru iarna si invers. Deci, asta-vara ma gandeam la proiecte pentru Craciun. Printre alte idei pe care le-am avut pentru Craciun se numara si aceste "cutii marturii" de Craciun pe care magandeam sa le folosesc ca si calendare de Advent pentru copii (se deschide cate o cutie in fiecare zi pana la Craciun). Cu toate ca imi plac foarte mult, nu am avut timp sa le pun anul acesta in magazinul virtual sa le vand... Ei, bine... poate anul viitor, asta daca nu o sa-mi vina alte idei mai frumoase :) 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Tutorial: advent calendar for adults

 This is a last minute tutorial that anyone can follow. I have made lots of Advent calendars for children, so I thought I'd make one for adults. If I think better it's not even a tutorial, but an idea. If you take it like a tutorial than the difficulty level is very easy.  

What you need:
any kind of envelopes - 24 one for each day; punch, number stamps and ink pad, nice Christmasy thread or ribbon, scissors. Oh, yes, and small gifts to fill the envelopes. 

 So, after you make the Advent numbers, fill in your envelopes with the gifts of your choice. I thought of tea bags, coffee or flower seeds because this is what I would love someone dear to gift me. 


After you added the goodies just tie each envelope with a nice thread or ribbon and add the 1-24 Advent numbers  

I thought they look too simple so I added  some paper flowers that I made last year.

In this way that special someone will think of you each day of December as opens his/her presents :) 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Clock Favour Boxes for New Year 2013

"Clock Favour Boxes" for New Year party 2013
only 9.99 GBP (+ 3.99 GBP Postage to Europe) for 12 favour boxes arranged in a round "cake - clock", with all the embellishments that you see in the pics: 12 white or ivory paper card slice cake favor boxes with hand-written roman numbers + clock hands on each slice of 'cake'; 2013 banner: 2 bamboo sticks, 4 gold tassels; gold wired ribbon; and to top it off there is glitter gold glue and gold sequins stars.

only 3 "cakes" available so hurry up:

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Purple and green mobile hanging / Mobil cu verde si mov

And here is what I made with the balls.
I love balls. I wish I could have more ideas on how to use them.
One way is a mobile hanging, in this case shades of purple and green like my client wanted.

Si iata ce am facut cu mingile.
Imi plac mingile tare mult. As vrea sa gasesc mai multe proiecte in care sa le folosesc.
Un proiect frumos este un mobil, care sa se miste in curentii de aer, in cazul acesta mov si verde, asa cum a vrut clienta mea, B.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Favor cone boxes with large paper flower / Cutii marturii con cu floare mare

Beautiful favor cone boxes with large paper flower. Somebody asked for some flower cones - you know, where to put fresh flower petals - and from there I transformed them into elegant favor boxes. Aren't they gorgeous? I just love them.

Cutii marturii in forma de conuri cu floare mare de hartie - totul facut de mana, binenteles. Cineva mi-a cerut sa-i fac niste conuri pentru petale de flori - care se arunca la nunti - si pornind de acolo le-am transformat in cutii marturii. Sunt superbe, nu? Mie imi plac tare mult.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Advent calendar boxes - Christmas trees

Another favor box that I made last year great to use as Advent calendar boxes.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Advent calendar boxes

These are some advent calendar boxes that I made last year...

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Dress advent calendar boxes

Here is another advent calendar for girls: dress boxes with or without flowers

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Christmas advent calendar house boxes

Here is another beautiful advent calendar for children: little houses, that can also be used as decorations around the house, on a shelf or a windowsill. They look great as a winter village. I made them in a mini version as well as a larger version. They can come plain if you want to decorate them at your liking or, as seen in the first pictures, already decorated and stamped. 

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Christmas Advent calendars with activities


Since this period is so beautiful and everybody loves it, especially the kids, I made an Advent calendar with activities. So every day, starting 1st Dec, one envelope is opened and the child gets to make one activity related to Christmas.

I made two kind of envelopes as you can see in the pictures, a beautiful square one and an origami one.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Angel Advent calendar boxes / Cutii ingeri de Advent

I think this is my most beautiful Advent calendar so far. I just love the way it turned out.
These are angel boxes that can be used even after Christmas, around the house, on a shelf.
The best thing is that they can be reused for other parties, as princess or fairy parties! All you have to add is add a bow and maybe some color!

Cred ca acesta este calendarul meu de Advent cel mai frumos pe care l-am facut pana acum.
Acestea sunt cutii in forma de inger care pot fi folosite chiar si dupa Craciun, prin casa, poate pe un raft.
Cel mai important e ca pot fi refolosite pentru alte petreceri, ca de exemplu petreceri cu printese sau cu zane. Tot ce e de facut e sa adaugati o fonta si eventual niste culoare!