
Sunday, 30 December 2012

Appreciation photo - favor boxes

Here is some appreciation photos from K.H. Don't they look fab? I so love everything about it ! How about the real cake on top of the  paper card one?

And this is what K. shared:

'This is my sister serving my mom a slice, mom holding out the contents of her piece, and me holding the contents of my own piece'

'What you see there is candy, lip balm, decorative mini pencil and a keychain and magnets, candy, lip balm, pencil, keychain and magnets'. 

'Paper favour cake with a REAL cake on top, ready to go to the table!'

Here is my cake:

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Door swag / Decoratie pentru usa

Here is another decoration for the door: very simple with lots of small gold baubles and a gold bow.

O noua decoratie pentru usa: e foarte simplu de facut, doar multe globuri mici aurii cu o fonta aurie.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

16-tiered paper card cakes / tort din carton cu 16 etaje

 Playing with 16-tiered paper cakes. Don't they look fab? 

And here is my hubby's hand at work:

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Red and yellow birds / Pasari in rosu si galben

I thought I'd share some birds in red and bright yellow, great for Christmas, I'd say...

M-am gandit sa postez niste pasari in rosu si galben aprins, potrivit pentru Craciun, as zice eu...

Friday, 21 December 2012

Appreciation photos - Xmas tree decorated with butterflies / Brad decorat cu fluturi

This is a picture from a happy customer. How great is that! This is my first appreciation photo. And here is what M. from U.K. said:

'Our Christmas tree is ready now, decorated with your lovely butterflies. The tree is also decorated with hearts bearing photos of our beloved children. The parents in my local bereaved parents support group also send their thanks'.

And here are the butterflies:

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Christmas door swag / Decoratie de Craciun pentru usa

I made a door swag today. My inspiration was this chair decoration. In fact I was thinking to my friend for her wedding, and I was just playing a little bit and then decided to add some silver baubles and hang on my door. And it looks great.

Am facut o decoratie pentru usa azi. Inspiratia mea a fost acest scaun. De fapt ma gandeam la nunta prietenei mele, si ma jucam un pic cu ce aveam prin casa, si apoi m-am decis sa adaug niste globuri argintii si s-o pun pe usa. Si arata super!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Christmas trees / Braduleti de Craciun


 paper feathers
 knorr soup cubes in the kitchen

 stones in the bathroom

I like flowers and trees but I don't like killing them, in other words picking them. So I don't have a Christmas tree. But I like everything that involves Christmas, as I call it 'the Christmas craziness'.
So I thought I need a Christmas tree and I remembered a few years back I saw on Sweet Paul's blog a Xmas tree made with cupcake liners glued on a wall.
And this is all about this post: Xmas trees with anything you have on hand. I made one with paper feather in the living room, knorr soup cubes in the kitchen, stones in the bathroom. I got carried away and made lots, everywhere so I had to stop.

Imi plac florile si copacii si de aceea nu imi place sa-i omor, adica sa-i culeg. Deci nu avem brad. Dar imi place tot ce tine de Craciun, 'nebunia Craciunului' cum ii zic eu.
Deci vroiam un brad si mi-am adus aminte ca am vazut pe blogul Sweet Paul un bradulet facut din hartii de prajituri, lipite pe perete.
Si postul acesta despre asta e vorba: cum sa faci brazi de Craciun cu ce ai prin casa. Eu am facut cu pene din hartie in sufragerie, cuburi knorr in bucatarie si pietre in baie. M-am lasat dusa de val si am facut multi, peste tot si a trebuit sa ma opresc.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas paper cakes / Torturi de sarbatori

New 'paper cakes' with beautiful paper flowers in the colors of the winter holidays.

"Torturi" noi din carton cu flori tot din carton in culorile sarbatorilor de Craciun.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Marshmallows dipped in chocolate / Bezele in ciocolata

I tried something new today: chocolate dipping. The easiest I thought is marshmallows dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with coconut flakes. And this is soooo simple, a matter of minutes, and love the results. I am thinking of Christmas and New Year's Eve dinner where I'd like to prepare something fancy. I usually leave it the last minute and usually doesn't turn out fancy at all, so I thought I start practicing, since I hate cooking.

Am incercat ceva nou azi. Am 'imbracat' bezele in ciocolata topita si date prin fulgi de cocos. Este foooarte simplu, ia doar cateva minute, iar rezultatul e super. Ma gandesc la masa de Craciun si de Revelion cand as vrea sa pregatesc ceva frumos. De obicei las masa in ultima zi, pentru ca nu imi place deloc sa gatesc,  si nu iese deloc frumos, asa ca m-am gandit sa fac niste teste.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Winter mountainscape / Peisaj de iarna

Two years ago we moved in the Apuseni montains. And here it is what we see from our window.

Acum doi ani ne-am mutat la munte, in Muntii Apuseni. Si iata ce vedem de la geamul nostru.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Rosted walnut as Christmas presents / nuci prajite ca si cadouri de Craciun

I have been thinking a lot what to gift this year. Last year I gifted wreaths and table centerpieces. This year I wanted something edible. And since we have lots of walnut trees  I thought I just roast the walnuts with sugar. The result is delicious and so easy to make. I am making some from time to time and I think they are perfect for Christmas.

And I have been thinking how to wrap them. Of course I wanted to be special, not just some wrapping paper. After long and hard thinking , considering the size and quantity, I thought red fabric is just lovely. And here it is...

M-am gandit mult ce cadouri sa fac anul acesta. Anul trecut am daruit coronite si aranjamente pentru masa. Anul acesta am vrut ceva de mancat. Si pentru ca avem multi nuci in jur, m-am gandit sa prajesc niste nuci cu zahar. Rezultatul e delicios si forte usor de facut. Cand mai am pofta mai imi prajesc si cred ca sunt foarte bune de Craciun.
Si m-am gandit cum sa le impachetez. Normal ca am vrut ceva special nu doar hartie de impachetat. Dupa ce m-am gandit la tot felul de metode, luand in calcul marimea si cantitatea, m-am gandit ca un material rosu e foarte nimerit, cu o fontita si 2 globuri mici.  Dar prima data le-am pus binenteles in ceolofan. Si acestea sunt...

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Cakes, cakes, cakes

I recommend to arrange them in 3, 4 or even 5 'tiered cakes'. They look better and gives you more freedom to play with flowers, butterflies or ribbons.

Eu totusi recomand aranjarea in 3, 4 sau chiar 5 'torturi'. Arata mai bogat si iti da mai multa libertate de creatie.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

16-tiered paper cake / tort din carton cu 16 etaje

Here is my newest 'paper cake'. It is a 16-tiered cake and it will sure make a big impression on your special day! Also with my newest paper flowers!

Aici este cel mai nou 'tort din hartie', care are 16 etaje si cu siguranta va face o impresie minunata in ziua nuntii. Deasemenea am folosit si noile mele flori din hartie!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Butterflies / Fluturi

Since my best friend's wedding is closer and closer, I started making the wedding decorations. So here are some ideas: butterflies as place cards, chair decorations or just placed around the venue. My problem is that she has no clue of what she wants so I have to make lots of  samples till she makes up her mind.

Din moment ce nunta prietenei mele e din ce in ce mai aproape, am inceput sa fac decoratiile. Aici sunt cateva idei: fluturi ca si card de nume, decoratie pentru scaun sa pur si simplu agatati prin sala. Problema mea e ca nu imi zice nimic astfel ca trebuie sa fac o gramada de mostre pana se hotareste.