
Monday, 6 February 2012

White Icy Valentine / Masa de Sf. Valentin cu blocuri de gheata

I had a mini shoot today. I wanted to make a shoot for quite some time now. I was looking for ideas and I saw this beautiful idea with blocks of ice. So I thought: this is it! It snowed so much that my hubby came with the idea to sculpt the snow a little and make it the table, and so we did. Then he gathered some icicles. So, last evening I put water in different recipients, and this is the result. Not very happy, but this is my second time that I'm trying this 's so is ok. The first time it was on New Year Eve and it was a disaster with the lighting. Besides that I overdid the table and was so much going on that I couldn't see anything right. 
I just love the ice recipients with the candles, and hopefully before the winter is gone, I'll make a shoot with ice blocks only. Tones of them. Fingers crossed.

Azi am avut o mica sedinta foto. Am tot vrut sa fac o astfel de sedinta foto: o masa de petrecere (sora-mea face mese pt petreceri ). Ma uitam dupa idei pe net si am vazut ideea asta cu blocuri de ghiata. Si mi-am zis: asta e! A nins asa de mult ca sotul a zis sa sculptam putin zapada si sa facem din ea masa. Apoi a adunat niste turturi. Asa ca aseara am pus apa in mai multe recipiente, si asta e rezultatul! Nu sunt foarte multumita, dar e a doua oara cand incerc asa ceva asa ca e ok. Prima oara a fost de Revel si a fost un dezastru in ceea ce priveste lumina. Si apoi am supraincarcart masa asa ca nu s-a vazut nimic calumea. Imi place tare mult cum arata  recipientele de gheata cu lumanarile. Sper sa mai fac o sedinta foto numai cu blocuri de gheata. O gramada de ele. Pana nu trece iarna. Sper.