
Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Slice of cake favor box with beads bracelet / Cutie marturie de nunta sau botez cu bratara din margele

 I have discovered an easy way to finish off my slice of cake favor boxes. Do you know those beads bracelets that little girls wear? Well, you just wrap them around the box, and... that's it! After they take home the goodies and eat them, they can wear the beads bracelet. Fun!

Am desoperit un mod inedit de a infrumuseta cutiile  favoruri (de nunta sau botez). Orice fetita are si poarta bratari din margele. Ei bine, le pui in jurul cutiei si...gata! Dupa ce oaspetii iau acasa cutia marturie si mananca dulciurile dinauntru pot purta si bratara din margele. Super!