
Sunday, 26 February 2012

Flower 'tulip' favor boxes in peach and ivory / Marturii de nunta (botez) 'lalea' in crem si culoarea piersicii

In the spirit of 'Why should all favor boxes be the same?' I made these flower like favor boxes, this time in pale peach and ivory. The fun part is that I can play with the colors of the 'petals'.

In ideea ca 'De ce ar trebui toate marturiile de nunta / botez sa fie la fel?' am facut cutiile astea care arata ca niste flori (lalele imi place mie sa cred) in culoarea piersicii si ivoriu/crem. Partea faina este ca ma pot 'juca' cu 'petalele' cutiilor si le pot schimba culorile.