
Monday, 2 April 2012

Hats for the Easter eggs / Palarii si caciuli pentru ouale de Paste



We got creative the other night, my hubby and I, and made these Easter eggs. He drew the faces on the eggs and I did the rest.
This crocheted hat I used in this project, for the Christmas hat and collar wine bottle, and I thought I should reuse it. 
And since it takes a lot time for me to crochet hats or anything else, I made the yellow hat and collar in 1 minute. Just cut and sew the material.
Seara trecuta ne-a luat valul cu creatia. Sotul a desenat fetele pe oua si eu am facut restul.
Caciula tricotata am mai folosit-o si in proiectul acesta, la caciula si fularul pentru sticla de vin, si m-am gandit ca nu strica s-o refolosesc.
Si pentru ca imi ia mult timp sa tricotez ceva, am facut caciulita si fularul galben intr-un minut. Am taiat materialul si l-am cusut rapid.