
Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Beautiful white butterfly wishing tree tags / Fluturi albi de agatat in copacul urarilor

    Somebody asked me for some wishing tree tags  with butterflies and here they are. Beautiful and elegant  envelopes that look like a flower that come with a matching card where the guests can write their wishes. Toped with a huge hand-cut butterfly and a small punched butterfly.
They can be also used as escort cards or place cards where the bride and groom can write a personal message for the guests to find inside the envelope. This message can be a joke, a quote, how they met or a favorite passage from a book.

Cineva mi-a cerut fluturi de agatat in copacul urarilor. Asta e ce am facut: plicuri frumoase si elegante care arata ca o floare  si card-uri in acelasi ton unde nuntasii pot scrie urarile lor de bine. In plus, pe plic este asezat un fluture imens  si altul micut.

Pot fi folosite si ca place card-uri - mirii pot scrie un mesaj personal pentru nuntasi. Acest mesaj poate fi o gluma, un citat, o scurta poveste cum s-au intalnit sau un pasaj preferat dintr-o carte.