
Saturday, 16 February 2013

White, hot pink and blue 'cake' / Tort alb, roz si albastru

This is a special order for F. She is planning a sweets table and asked me to make a special 'cake' for her in white with hot pink and bright blue flowers. I just love the combination. I just couldn't stop from making photos. Since there are 7 tiers in this cake it is very easy to arrange them in many ways.

Acest 'tort' este o comanda speciala pentru F. Ea planifica o masa de dulciuri si mi-a cerut sa-i fac un 'tort' mai special in alb cu flori intense de roz si albastru. Imi place combinatia la nebunie. Pur si simplu nu m-am putut opri din facutul pozelor. Pentru ca 'tortul' are 7 etaje poate fi aranjat in multe feluri.