
Monday, 30 March 2015

Tiny houses cake toppers / Casute pentru prajituri

tutorial Tiny houses cake toppers

tutorial Tiny houses cake toppers

tutorial Tiny houses cake toppers

tutorial Tiny houses cake toppers

Tiny paper card houses
Tiny paper card houses 

I love these tiny houses, but with any tiny thing you'd think it goes really quickly. But no, it is quite time consuming to hand-make them. But they do look really lovely.

Imi plac tare mult aceste casute, si unii au impresia ca lucrurile mici se fac repede. Dar nu, ia cam mult timp sa le fac de mana. Dar sunt adorabile.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Paper butterflies / Fluturi din carton

colorful handmade paper butterflies

handmade paper butterflies
Double paper butterflies

yellow handmade paper butterflies

lilac handmade paper butterflies

pink handmade paper butterflies

green handmade paper butterflies
3D beautiful double or triple butterfly
Flower arrangement with PAPER BUTTERFLIES.
Custom paper butterflies
Colorful butterfly decoration - how to use our paper butterflies!

paper butterflies in flower arrangement

A client asked for these butterflies. Aren't they beautiful? Although my hand hurt for a few days from cutting all of them I am glad I did it. And how lovely do they look on the flower arrangement?

And everything packed...

Si totul impachetat...

O clienta mi-a cerut acesti fluturi. Asa-i ca sunt frumosi? Desi m-a durut mana cateva zile de la atata taiat ma bucur ca i-am facut. Si cat de frumosi sunt in aranjamentele florale?

Monday, 23 March 2015

On my desk / pe masa de lucru

On my desk...

I am making lots and lots of white doves.
I am also trying to make my packaging boxes pretty so I am doodling them (since I discovered Alisa Burke).

white doves tags
doves wish tree tags

handmade paper doves

Pe masa mea de lucru...

Fac multi, multi porumbei albi...
Deasemenea incerc sa fac pachetele mai creative asa ca desenez pe ele (de cand am descoperit-o pe Alisa Burke).

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Amazing artists / artisti minunati - Alisa Burke

An artist that I love is Alisa Burke. She is full of creative ideas. 
I thought that if I draw it needs to be perfect. But this takes a lot of time and I just don't want to do that. But seeing Alisa's work made me realize there are many many styles...perfect in imperfection. So Alisa inspired me to start painting. 
It is so great because I was looking for some time a way to brighten our house, and this style - huge painted flowers - is exactly what I am happy with.

I love her statement wall...

Imi place peretele ei pictat...

And my very own version... (first time painting)

Si versiunea mea....(prima data cand pictez)

And there are so many other projects that I want to make, like...

O artista care imi place tare mult este Alisa Burke. Este plina de idei.
Am crezut ca daca desenez trebuie sa fie perfect. Dar asta ia o gramada de timp si nu vreau asta. Dar vazand blogul Alisei am realizat caci sunt multe, multe stiluri...perfect in imperfectiune. Alisa m-a inspirat sa incep sa pictez.
Este chiar super pentru ca demult cautam un proiect care sa ma ajute sa infrumusetez casa, iar aceste flori uriase pictate sunt perfecte.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Large paper flowers / flori mari din carton

pink flowers statement wall
Add caption

pink and white flowers statement wall

I've been very busy lately making all kind of pretty things for my shops.
I wanted to make large paper flowers for a long time and now I started making them. I am very happy with them, and already got some orders.

pink flowers statement wall

Large handmade paper flowers
Pink and white paper flowers

handmade pink large paper flowers

Large paper flowers - wedding decoration - multicolored
Custom Paper Flowers - all shapes and sizes!

Am fost ocupata in ultimul timp facand tot felul de lucruri frumoase pentru magazinele mele.
Am tot vrut sa fac flori mari din carton si in sfarsit am inceput. Sunt foarte fericita cum au iesit, si deja am avut cateva comenzi.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Funny faces gift tags / etichete amuzante pentru cadouri

I've always been reluctant of making gift tags. It's just that us, Romanians, don't use them. 
But when I bought my 2 inch / 5 cm circle punch I knew I had to make some gift tags. Many years ago I bought a cartooning drawing book that stayed on the shelf ever since. In it there was a lesson on how to draw faces. And this is exactly what I did with these round tags.

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

M-am abtinut pana acum sa fac etichete pentru cadouri pentru ca noi, romanii, nu le folosim.
Dar cand mi-am cumparat un perforator de 5 cm am stiut ca trebuie sa-l folosesc sa fac niste etichete.
Cu multi ani in urma mi-am cumparat o carte pentru a invata sa desenez personaje animate. Dar a stat pe raft nedesfacuta.  Printre primele lectii, te invata cum sa faci fete. Si exact asta am facut cu aceste etichete.

Friday, 13 March 2015

My statement painted wall / Peretele meu pictat

I discovered Alisa Burke's blog by reading Meda' blog, Handmade by Meda.
When I saw this wall I was struck, like so many, so I wanted to make something similar. And here is what I've made. I used black dye (the one you use to add in your paint to paint your walls) and black, red and green permanent markers and also red and green acrylic paint. This is what I had and this is what I used.

Am descoperit blogul Alisei Burke, citing blogul lui Meda.
Cand am vazut peretele acesta pictat, am vrut sa fac ceva similar. Si iata ce a iesit. Am folosit colorant negru, markere permanente in negru, rosu si verde si vopsele acrilice in rosu si verde. Asta e ce am avut in casa si asta am folosit.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

My beginnings / Inceputurile mele

Back in 2004 or 2005, age 24 or 25, while going to work I used to sit next to an art teacher on the bus. Later I went to one of his painting exposition, and he was great. I told him I don't have it in me, I don't have the talent to paint or do anything artsy. He was quite annoyed and said that anyone can do it (probably everyone says that). This stuck in my head and I wanted to see, so I bought myself a small notebook and started drawing. This was in 2006. And you know what? He was right. Anyone can do art.
Here are some drawings from those early days.
First you need to want it then it involves a lot of patience and I needed to have the eraser close to me.

first try

prima incercare
second try 

a doua incercare
third try - I was tired 

a treia incercare

I 2004 sau 2005, pe la 24 sau 25 de ani, mergeam la lucru cu autobusul si deseori statem langa un profesor de desen. Mai tarziu chiar am mers la o expozitie de-a lui, si era foarte talentat. Ii spuneam ca nu am talent pentru nimic creativ. El, destul de enervat, a zis ca oricine poate face arta (probabil ca toata lumea ii zicea asta). Mi-a ramas in minte chestia asta, asa ca in 2006 mi-am cumparat un carnetel si am inceput sa desenez. Si a avut dreptate. Oricine poate face arta. Aici sunt cateva desene de la inceputurile mele. Dar pentru inceput trebuie sa vrei sa faci asta, apoi iti trebuie rabdare si o guma buna.