
Sunday, 15 March 2015

Funny faces gift tags / etichete amuzante pentru cadouri

I've always been reluctant of making gift tags. It's just that us, Romanians, don't use them. 
But when I bought my 2 inch / 5 cm circle punch I knew I had to make some gift tags. Many years ago I bought a cartooning drawing book that stayed on the shelf ever since. In it there was a lesson on how to draw faces. And this is exactly what I did with these round tags.

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

handmade funny faces gift tags

M-am abtinut pana acum sa fac etichete pentru cadouri pentru ca noi, romanii, nu le folosim.
Dar cand mi-am cumparat un perforator de 5 cm am stiut ca trebuie sa-l folosesc sa fac niste etichete.
Cu multi ani in urma mi-am cumparat o carte pentru a invata sa desenez personaje animate. Dar a stat pe raft nedesfacuta.  Printre primele lectii, te invata cum sa faci fete. Si exact asta am facut cu aceste etichete.