Coronita din ziar /
Newspaper wreathImi pace tare mult cum arata coronita asta. Si e asa de simplu de facu! Doar faci cornete pe care le lipesi. Intr-adevar ia cam mult timp dar orice lucru facut de mana ia mult timp.
I really love how this wreath looks like. And it is so easy to make! All you have to do is to make the roll papers and then glue them. It takes a long time to make them, I agree, but all handmade items take a lot of time.
Coronita din hartie alba /
White paper wreath.jpg)
Coronita din ziar. Frunzele sunt puse pe sarma, asa ca le poti aranja cum vrei. Coronita asta e asa de speciala!
Newspaper wreath! The leaves are wired so you can move them as you please. this wreath is so special!