My hubby and I were busy yesterday making this mobile hanging with balls in shades of brown and cream. We really love it. Very easy to make, just takes a lot of time, like any other handmade project. We used ribbon, butterfly punches in 3 different sizes, flower punches, and a scallop heart punch. I love that they are moving all the time.
I was google-ing for flower balls and my hubby liked how they looked like and told me he wants one too. Well, when he says something like that, even if I don't want to, I say yes, because he has really few moments when he actually wants to do something beautiful.(he is the practical guy, makes only what he must)

Ieri am fost ocupati. Am facut mobilul asta (care e cuvantul in romana pentru mobile hanging?) din mingi de polistiren pe nunate de maro si crem. Usor de facut dar ia timp.
Ma uitam pe google dupa mingi de flori si i-au placut si sotului. Asa ca ne-am pus sa le facem. Mi-am scos cutia cu fonte, perforatoarele, acele cu gamalie si ne-am apucat de treaba.