I love the idea of recycling. I just love it because you need imagination. I admire people that can see something beautiful in everything. One of the blogs I love is diycrafts.blogspot.com for the super easy and cool diy projects, that are so simple that even I can make.
The easiest diy project I have ever seen is this one. Making cool hair pins with buttons. It takes about 2 minutes. And here I'm thinking going to my buttons jar and choosing the buttons I want to use. Super cool and easy. Here is the tutorial. And I can change them as I want.
Imi place tare mult idea de reciclare. Imi place pentru ca iti trebuie imaginatie. Admir oamenii care vad frumosul in orice. Unul din blogurile care imi plac mult e diycrfts.blogspot.com pentru ca are proiecte super usoare si faine, care sunt asa de simple ca si eu pot sa le fac.
Cel mai usor proiect pe care l-am vazut vreodata este acesta. Sa faci agrafe cu nasturi. Mi-a luat cam 2 minute, si aici intra dusu' pana la borcanul cu nasturi si alegerea nasturilor. Usor si super! Aici e tutorialul. Si pot sa-i schimb cum vreau, dupa culoarea imbracamintei.