Wednesday, 5 May 2010
cutii / boxes
Ce pot sa spun? Imi pac cutiile. Cutiile astea sunt patrate cu capac. Sunt micute si le-am facut tot pentru a pune in ele cercei si alte lucruri micute.
What can I say? I like boxes. These boxes are square and with lid. They are small . Suitable to put in my earrings and any other small item.
cutii / boxes
Am facut niste cutii care imi plac foarte mult si arata foarte elegant. In ele pun cerceii sau alte lucruri mici pe care le am.
Here are some boxes that I've made that look gorgeous. I use them for my clip ons or for any small item that I have. I really love how they look.
Here are some boxes that I've made that look gorgeous. I use them for my clip ons or for any small item that I have. I really love how they look.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
bucatar mobil / chef ( cook ) mobile hanging
Am azut mobilul asta pe un site undeva si mi-a placut tare mult. Asta e versiunea mea.
I saw this chef mobile hanging while surfing the net (somewhere) and I really loved it. So this is my version of it :) I made it out of foam.
I saw this chef mobile hanging while surfing the net (somewhere) and I really loved it. So this is my version of it :) I made it out of foam.
Monday, 3 May 2010
clipsuri cu nasturi / button clip on earrings
Nu am gauri in urechi si intotdeauna am avut probleme in a gasi clipsuri, si daca am gasit sa fie mult prea scumpe. Asa ca m-am decis sa-mi fac cercei. Imi placcerceii mai neobisnuiti, cei facuti din materiale mai neobisnuite. Asa am facut acesti cercei. Merg foarte bine la o pereche de blugi si tricou.
I don't have earholes and I have always had problems in finding clip on earrings, and when I found any, they were too expensive. So I decided I should make my own clip ons. I like unusual earrings, those made with unusual materials.This is how I made these clip ons. I like how they go with a pair of blue jeansand a T-shirt.
I don't have earholes and I have always had problems in finding clip on earrings, and when I found any, they were too expensive. So I decided I should make my own clip ons. I like unusual earrings, those made with unusual materials.This is how I made these clip ons. I like how they go with a pair of blue jeansand a T-shirt.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
primul meu admirator / my first follower
Super! Am primul admirator! Ieri, in timp ce eram pe Google, am dat peste blogul asta
De ieri ma tot uit pe aici (si prin urmare am o durere de cap - prea mult caculator), dar sunt fericita pentru ca chestia asta mi-a dat dorinta sa lucrez pe blogul meu. Pentru ca, sa fim seriosi, sa creezi, nu inseamna doar asta - sa creezi - , ci sa imparti cu altii bucuria care rezulta din asta. Inca nu vreau sa fac planuri, dar am o gramada de proiecte deja facute si fotografiate si gata sa le pun pe blog, cu speranta ca o sa-i inspire si pe altii sa creeze.
Asa ca vreau sa-ti multumesc Meda pentru ca gasindu-te pe tine si blogul tau mi-am reamintit cine sunt si ce vreau sa fac in viata asta. *
Cool! I've got my first follower! Yesterday while googleing I came across this blog
I've been on it since yesterday (therefore I have a headache - too much internet - ) but I'm happy because it made me go and work on my own blog. Because creating is not only creating but also sharing with others. I don't want to make any resolutions, just yet, but I've got lots of projects already done and photographed and ready to go on my blog, hopefully to inspire somebody.
So, thank you Meda, because of you and your blog I remembered again who I am and what I want to do. xo
De ieri ma tot uit pe aici (si prin urmare am o durere de cap - prea mult caculator), dar sunt fericita pentru ca chestia asta mi-a dat dorinta sa lucrez pe blogul meu. Pentru ca, sa fim seriosi, sa creezi, nu inseamna doar asta - sa creezi - , ci sa imparti cu altii bucuria care rezulta din asta. Inca nu vreau sa fac planuri, dar am o gramada de proiecte deja facute si fotografiate si gata sa le pun pe blog, cu speranta ca o sa-i inspire si pe altii sa creeze.
Asa ca vreau sa-ti multumesc Meda pentru ca gasindu-te pe tine si blogul tau mi-am reamintit cine sunt si ce vreau sa fac in viata asta. *
Cool! I've got my first follower! Yesterday while googleing I came across this blog
I've been on it since yesterday (therefore I have a headache - too much internet - ) but I'm happy because it made me go and work on my own blog. Because creating is not only creating but also sharing with others. I don't want to make any resolutions, just yet, but I've got lots of projects already done and photographed and ready to go on my blog, hopefully to inspire somebody.
So, thank you Meda, because of you and your blog I remembered again who I am and what I want to do. xo
mobil cu fluturi origami albi / white origami butterflies mobile hanging

Mobilul acesta e primul mobil vertical pe care l-am facut si imi place foarte mult. Am folosit hartie alba normala de xerox.
This is my first origami butterfly hanging mobile and I love it. I used normal white paper to make the origami butterflies
mobile cu fluturi origami / origami butterflies mobile hangings

OK, am o gramada de poze cu torturi din hartie pentru ca am facut cu sutele si inca imi place sa le fac. Sper sa reusesc sa le postez pe blog dar asta in timp pentru ca nu am mai postat de cel putin 1 an dar am tot facut si s-au adunat. Imi place hartia foarte mult si as vrea sa lucrez cat pot de mult cu hartia. Asa ca asta e alt proiect pe care l-am facut si care se vinde bine: mobile cu fluturi origami. Fluturii sunt foarte usor de facut (am invatat sa-i fac de pe youtube). A durat putin pana sa-mi dau seama la ce sa-i folosesc.Mobilele sunt o varianta perfecta de folosire a lor. Imi place tare mult cum arata mobilul vertical: multi fluturi origami mari si o gramada de fluturi mici. Inca sunt departe de a fi fericita de mobilele mele dar sunt multumita. Am incercat si alte modele si sper sa le postez inr-o zi.
OK, I've got lots of picures wih paper cakes because I've done hundreds of them and I love them. I hope I'll post them on my blog but it will take me some time because I have not posted anything for more than a year. I like paper very much and I'd like to work with paper as much as I can. This is another project that I made and that sells very well: origami butterflies mobile hanging. The origami butterflies are very easy to make (I taught myself watching a howto on Youtube). It took awhile till I made up my mind what to do with them. And the mobile hangings are a perfect option for them. I love how the vertical mobile hanging looks like: lots of big origami butterflies and lots and lots of butterfly punchies. I am far from being happy with my mobiles but they're ok. I tried other patterns too and I hope I'll post them soon.
cutii in forma de tort Betty Boop / Betty Boop favour boxes
Cu ceva timp in urma cineva a vazut cutiile mele si a vrut ca tema sa fie Betty Boop. Am fost foarte entuziasmata. Vand o gramada de cutii simple si nu imi pun capul la contributie - intr-un fel, acum merge ca pe banda. Asta a fost prima oara cand cineva a vrut ceva anume si eu a trebuit sa-mi bat capul. Tema a fost Betty Boop si femeia vroia card rosu. Asa ca am cautat pe google poze cu Betty Boop (nici nu stiam ca sunt atat de multe!). Am listat imaginile, le-am decupat si le-am lipit pe hartie roz iar apoi am taiat contur cu foarfeca zimtata ca sa se vada frumos marginea roz. Si am adaugat si niste diamante roz in forma de inima si am terminat cu fonta lata de satin rosu. Am fost multumita iar femeia a fost foarte fericita. Am incercat si cu card roz. Nu siu care imi place mai mult.
A month ago or maybe two months ago somebody saw my cake boxes and wanted a Betty Boop paper cake in red. I was very excited. Although I make lots of paper cakes, I make them plain, and then everybody embellish them as they want. So, like I said I was very excited . And this is what I came up with. I am very happy with the result and the lady was very happy too so I'm thrilled. I also tried it in pink. To be honest I dont know which one I like best!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
torturi din hartie / paper cakes - party favour boxes

Nu-i asa ca arata superb? Sunt usor de facut dar i-au mult timp. Fiecare tort are 12 'felii'. Sunt facute din carton alb (modelul il gasesti pe net) pe care am lipit pietricele colorate roz si fontite rosii, si le-am terminat cu fonte rosii de satin. Superb!
Aren't they superb? They are easy to make but it takes quite a long time to make. Each cake has got 12 'slices'. They are made out of white card (you can find the template on the internet) and I used some self adhesive pink heart diamonds, and lots of tiny pink drops in the middle, plus each 'slice' has got a bow. I have finished each slice with red satin ribbon. Gorgeous!
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