Saturday, 22 June 2013

Our flowers around the house / Plantele din jurul casei

This year we made this wooden blocks path. Really pretty and rustic. 

Anul acesta am facut poteca din trunchiuri de copaci. Foarte frumoasa si rustica.
Love the geraniums. Give a lot of color. 

Imi plac tare mult muscatele. Pline de culoare.
Beautiful rustic clay pots from my  brother.

Vase din lut frumoase si rustice de la fratele meu.

Love this plant. Everything is edible: flower, leaves, seeds. It tastes pretty much like rocket. And it is very beautiful. Our Coach Surfing friend Mia told me when she saw it in the garden, that is why this year I planted it in the front of the house.

Imi place planta aceasta. Totul se mananca de la ea: flori, frunze, seminte. Are gustul rucolei. Si este tare frumoasa. Prietena noastra de pe CS, Mia, ne-a atras atentia cand a vazut-o in gradina, asa ca anul acesta am plantat-o in fata casei.
I thought I'd share some pictures of our garden.
I love gardens and plants but I am hopeless when it comes to making a beautiful garden. Just want, want, want but don't know how.  After 3 years, almost 4 yrs of trying, this year the plants look the best. It is a slow process, of trial and error. Yesterday I think I found the secret of healthy plants, just looking at my neighbour's garden. She has only veggies gardens like tomatoes,beans, potatoes etc, very little flowers, but all very healthy. And I think the secret is to be in the garden all the time, taking care of the plants, weeding, watering etc. Till now all I did was dig the earth in the spring, sow the seeds, do some weeding, and water just a little. And the results are quite bad.

This year the veggie garden looks awful, but the plants around the house, from where the pictures are, are quite lovely, so 70-80 % happy. 

M-am gandit sa va arat cateva poze din gradina noastra.
Imi plac gradinile dar nu stiu cum sa fac o gradina frumoasa. Doar vreau, vreau, vreau dar nu stiu cum. Dupa 3 ani, aproape 4 ani de incercari, gradina de anul acesta arata cel mai bine. Este un proces foarte incet, multe incercari si multe greseli. Ieri cred ca am gasit secretul plantelor frumoase doar uitandu-ma la gradina vecinei noastre. Ea cultiva doar legume ca: rosii, fasole, cartofi etc, foarte putine flori, dar toate sunt sanatoase si frumoase. Si cred ca secretul este sa fii in gradina tot timpul, avand grija de plante, luand buruienile, udand etc. Pana acum tot ce am facut a fost sa sap pamantul primavara, sa plantez semintele, sa iau ceva buruieni si sa ud putin. Si rezultatele nu sunt cele mai bune.
Anul acesta gradina de legume arata rau, dar plantele din jurul casei (cele din poze) sunt chiar frumoasa, deci   70-80% fericita. 

1 comment: said...

Frumoasa gradina voastra .Poteca din lemne.....super.Florile aranjate in vasele de lut sunt frumoase.