Nu am gauri in urechi si intotdeauna am avut probleme in a gasi clipsuri, si daca am gasit sa fie mult prea scumpe. Asa ca m-am decis sa-mi fac cercei. Imi placcerceii mai neobisnuiti, cei facuti din materiale mai neobisnuite. Asa am facut acesti cercei. Merg foarte bine la o pereche de blugi si tricou.
I don't have earholes and I have always had problems in finding clip on earrings, and when I found any, they were too expensive. So I decided I should make my own clip ons. I like unusual earrings, those made with unusual materials.This is how I made these clip ons. I like how they go with a pair of blue jeansand a T-shirt.