Saturday, 30 June 2012

little monster baby feet christening favor card boxes pink and blue / cutii marturii de botez picioruse



I have been quite creative since we came back from our holiday. I'm thinking about Halloween and even Christmas projects! I definitely have the bug! I've wanted some christening favor boxes for ages and I just couldn't do anything to be happy with. So, thinking about Halloween, I was thinking about monsters...about monster's feet. And from there I thought to myself, oh well, babies can be little monsters...and I made versions in baby pink and baby blue. 

Capul mi-a fost plin de idei de cand ne-am intors din vacanta. Ma gandesc la Halloween si chiar la Craciun. Am tot vrut sa fac marturii pentru botez de mult timp si am avut unele incercari dar nu am fost prea fericita cu ele. Deci, gandindu-ma la Halloween, ma gandeam la picioare de monstri. Si de acolo gandul m-a dus ca si copiii pot fi monstruleti...asa ca am facut versiuni si in roz si albastru.