Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Blue slice cake favor boxes with white butterflies / Marturii cutii tort albastre cu fluturi albi

 This is a beautiful 3 tiered cake in baby blue with white butterflies for a christening party.

Acesta e un tort din carton albastru cu fluturi albi ca si marturie de botez.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Clear favor boxes / Marturii cutii de nunta transparente

 This is my newest favor box that doesn't need any gluing. It does need to be tied up with a beautiful ribbon though. Available also in clear choice. 
Noua mea cutie pentru care nu trebuie lipici. Totusi trebuie sa fie legata cu o panglica frumoasa. Disponibila si in material transparent!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Dove bird banner or wish tags / Pasari porumbei ghirlanda

 Somebody asked for some birds for a nursery room and I thought this is a great idea. So I designed these birds to be as a banner. Can also be wish tags: each guest writes his wish and then just add it on a line/thread/ribbon.

Cineva a vrut sa foloseasca aceste pasari in camera copilului. M-am gandit ca e o idee super asa ca am modificat putin pasarile ca sa se potriveasca pentru un banner. Dar pot fi folosite si la nunti unde nuntasii scriu urarile inauntru si apoi le agata pe o ata, astfel devenind ghirlanda si facand parte din decor.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Love birds - dove place cards / Porumbei - pasari numere pentru masa

  Since my wish tree birds/doves/love birds have such a success I thought I should make some table numbers / place cards. And here they are. I must say I am very pleased as they turned out. I think they are very elegant and would go great with a romantic wedding.

Din moment ce pasarile mele de agatat in copacul urarilor are succes m-am gandit sa fac si niste numere pentru masa  pe aceeasi tema. Si iata-le. Vreau sa spun ca sunt fericita cum au iesit. Cred ca sunt foarte elegante si merg foarte bine cu o nunta romantica.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Beautiful white wish tree butterflies/ Fluturi de agatat in copacul urarilor.

 This is an order for some beautiful white butterflies for the wish tree.

O comanda pentru niste fluturi albi de agatat in copacul urarilor.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Targul de la Gaina iulie 2012 / Mount Gaina Festival July 2012

 It's in a beautiful area and much much bigger than I expected. Altitude: 1470m

Are loc intr-o zona foarte frumoasa si este cu mult mai mare decat m-am asteptat. Vin o gramada de oameni daca stai sa te gandesti ca este pe varf de munte si destul de greu de urcat. Inaltime: 1470m

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Origami heart wish tree tags / Inimi pentru copacul urarilor

 Some heart wish tree tags in origami style great to be hung in the wish tree if you don't opt for butterflies or birds. 

Niste inimi in stil origami de agatat in copacul urarilor, unde oaspetii vin si isi scriu urarile pentru miri si apoi le agata in copac astfel copacul devenind o parte din decor. 

Friday, 20 July 2012

candy wrap favor box / cutie marturie bomboana

 Just another favor box: candy wrap. 

Un alt fel de cutie marturie: in forma de bomboana.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Chocolate and cream paper favor boxes / Cutii marturii ciocolata si frisca

  Here is another idea of chocolate and cream paper cakes! with or without flowers.

Si aici am facut alta combinatie cu ciocolata si frisca...da, si sunt facute din carton! cu sau fara flori.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Chocolate, cream and hazelnut cake favor boxes / Tort cutii marturii ciocolata, frisca si aluna

  Somebody asked me for some chocolate and cream favor boxes and I remembered that some while ago my head was full of chocolate and I made some cakes. The best are these two: with chocolate chips - of course paper chocolate chips. And some hazelnut if you prefer.

Cineva mi-a cerut un tort de ciocolata cu frisca. Si mi-am adus aminte caci cu ceva timp in urma am avut o perioada cand ma gandeam doar la ciocolata si am facut cateva variante de torturi, iar astea 2 sunt cele mai reusite: cu fulgi de ciocolata - binenteles din acelasi material, carton. Si pentru variatie se poate folosi si aluna. 

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Butterfly wishing tree tag, place card or escort card / Fluturi

 And since I was on the wave I tried to make some more choices  because I know it's nice when you can choose. Here is the second butterfly place card, escort card or wishing tree tag, which is a double butterfly with butterfly punches.

Si din moment ce eram pusa pe creatie, am mai facut cateva optiuni pentru ca e fain cand poti alege. Aici e al doilea fluture care poate fi folosit ca place card sau de agatat in copacul urarilor. Este un fluture dublu cu alti fluturi micuti. 

Friday, 6 July 2012

Butterfly favor boxes / Cutii marturii de nunta cu fluturi

  And here are the matching favor boxes. 

Si am facut si cutii marturii de nunta sa fie in ton.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Beautiful white butterfly wishing tree tags / Fluturi albi de agatat in copacul urarilor

    Somebody asked me for some wishing tree tags  with butterflies and here they are. Beautiful and elegant  envelopes that look like a flower that come with a matching card where the guests can write their wishes. Toped with a huge hand-cut butterfly and a small punched butterfly.
They can be also used as escort cards or place cards where the bride and groom can write a personal message for the guests to find inside the envelope. This message can be a joke, a quote, how they met or a favorite passage from a book.

Cineva mi-a cerut fluturi de agatat in copacul urarilor. Asta e ce am facut: plicuri frumoase si elegante care arata ca o floare  si card-uri in acelasi ton unde nuntasii pot scrie urarile lor de bine. In plus, pe plic este asezat un fluture imens  si altul micut.

Pot fi folosite si ca place card-uri - mirii pot scrie un mesaj personal pentru nuntasi. Acest mesaj poate fi o gluma, un citat, o scurta poveste cum s-au intalnit sau un pasaj preferat dintr-o carte. 




Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Paper peacock feathers / pene de paun din hartie

So, here is my new design of peacock feathers. It took awhile. Now I have to  think of some projects  to use them in.
Noile mele pene de paun. Mi-a luat ceva timp pana mi-a venit idea! Acum trebuie sa gasesc niste proiecte in  care sa le folosesc.