Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Marshmallows dipped in chocolate / Bezele in ciocolata

I tried something new today: chocolate dipping. The easiest I thought is marshmallows dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with coconut flakes. And this is soooo simple, a matter of minutes, and love the results. I am thinking of Christmas and New Year's Eve dinner where I'd like to prepare something fancy. I usually leave it the last minute and usually doesn't turn out fancy at all, so I thought I start practicing, since I hate cooking.

Am incercat ceva nou azi. Am 'imbracat' bezele in ciocolata topita si date prin fulgi de cocos. Este foooarte simplu, ia doar cateva minute, iar rezultatul e super. Ma gandesc la masa de Craciun si de Revelion cand as vrea sa pregatesc ceva frumos. De obicei las masa in ultima zi, pentru ca nu imi place deloc sa gatesc,  si nu iese deloc frumos, asa ca m-am gandit sa fac niste teste.