Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Apple flower arrangement / Aranjament floral cu mere

 My best friend's wedding is next year. She wants it white and pale green and also butterflies and small white flowers. She won't tell me anything else. And of course is on a budget. 
And she wants me to do the flower arrangements. So, the first that I could think of is this lovely apple arrangement with small white field flowers and delicate lace butterflies. What do you think D? How much do you like it?

Nunta celei mai bune prietene este anul viitor. A ales culorile alb si verde deschis. Mai vrea fluturi si flori mici albe. Nu vrea sa imi mai spuna nimic altceva.  Si binenteles este cu limita de cheltuieli.
Si ar dori ca eu sa ii fac aranjamentele florale. Asa ca primul aranjament la care m-am gandit este un aranjament cu mere si flori mici albe de camp, cu fluturasi delicati. Ce parere ai D? Cat de mult iti place?