This is a fun paper favor cake or a favor cake with a twist.
You can choose to display it as a cake OR you can make 6 hearts with it.
Again you can give the hearts away as full hearts or half hearts if you have more guests.
And AGAIN if you decide to offer them as full hearts you can glue 2 halves together and have 2 different compartments, thus being able to offer sweet AND salty treats.
When I made it I didn't think would be so gorgeous and versatile.
Acesta este un tort din carton colorat care poate fi folosit ca si cutii / marturii de nunta sau botez.
Partea frumoasa e ca poti sa-l aranjezi ca si un tort SAU sa faci 6 inimi.
Din nou, poti sa oferi inimile intregi sau felli de inima (daca ai mai multi oaspeti).
Si, DIN NOU, daca te decizi sa le oferi ca si inimi pline, poti lipi 2 jumatati si astfel sa ai o inima intreaga cu 2 compartimente, si astfel sa poti oferi intr-un compartiment dulce SI in celalalt sarat.
Cand am facut cutiile acestea nu m-am gandit ca or sa fie asa de frumoase si de versatile!