Last night I was thinking why should all favor boxes be the same? I mean, same color, same pattern? With this idea in mind I started making some samples. So, slices of cakes in different colors and different embellishments for a mixed party. If something more elegant is required I made a set of 4 lilac and white butterfly favor boxes. (lot more than 4 patterns can be made with the butterfly punches - depending on my imagination )
Aseara ma gandeam de ce toate marturiile (de nunta sau de botez) trebuie sa fie la fel? Ma refer la aceeasi culoare si model? Asa ca, cu ideea asta in minte m-am apucat sa fac niste mostre.
In prima faza am facut felii de tort (din carton) in diferite culori si diferite modele (cu flori si fluturi) pentru o petrecere mai simpla.
Pentru o petrecere mai eleganta am facut un set de 4 modele (pe mov deschis si alb) (se pot obtine mult mai multe modele - depinde doar de imaginatie).