Friday, 31 August 2012

Doilies topiaries - my first tutorial and my first blog contribution / Copacei din hartie doilies - primul meu tutorial cat si prima contributie pentru un blog


My first tutorial and my first blog contribution was yesterday for P.S.Make it your own blog. Very excited. My hubby and I had a mini photoshoot with these doilies topiaries. Here are some pictures.

Primul meu tutorial cat si prima mea contributie a fost ieri pentru blogul P.S. Make it your own. Sotul si cu mine am avut o mica sedinta foto cu acesti copacei din hartie doilie.

If you want to know how to make these beauties go to P.S.Make it your own blog for a full tutorial.

Daca vrei sa faci si tu asa ceva mergi la blogul P.S. make it your ownDoilies  pentru un tutorial complet.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Ladybirds and flowers - cake favor boxes / Buburuze si flori - cutii marturii tort

Since is still summer I thought I'd share a paper cake with ladybirds and flowers. I think everybody loves ladybirds and they are perfect for a little girls' birthday party or christening. Great to use as a table centerpiece. Fill them with sweets or small trinkets and thank your little guests for joining your party.
This set contains 24 favor boxes in two different sizes in red and white.

Pentru ca este inca vara m-am gandit sa postez un tort cu buburuze si flori. Cred ca tuturor le plac buburuzele si aceste cutii marturii sunt perfecte pentru ziua unei fetite sau botez. Este super sa fie folosit ca aranjament pe masa. Fiecare cutie vine umpluta cu dulciuri sau mici cadouri ca un semn de multumire pentru oaspetii care s-au alaturat petrecerii.
Acest set contine 24 de cutii, in 2 marimi diferite, in culorile alb si rosu.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Flower cones in pale green and yellow / Conuri verzi si galbene pentru petale de flori

Flower cones in pale green and yellow - put some flower petals inside this beautiful cone or/and some butterfly or flower paper punches... 

Conuri verzi si galbene pentru flori  - ideale pentru a pune in ele petale de flori sau confetti.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Flower cones with butterflies / Cornete pentru flori cu fluturi

 I love it when people ask me to create something for them. This is one of those items: a flower cone for wedding flowers. 

Imi place cand mi se cere sa creez ceva pentru cineva. Conul acesta pentru petale e unul din acele lucruri. 

Friday, 17 August 2012

Flowers and butterflies / Flori si fluturi


A peek into my newest thing. 
I am very excited. I am working on something beautiful. Someone has asked me for something for quite some time now and I  finally succeeded. 

Monday, 13 August 2012

Elegant and black scallop hearts / Inimi negre si elegante

 Elegant black scallop hearts used as place cards tied around the wine glass. In this way nobody will 'lose' their glass :) They can also write a short message on the back and hang it in the wish tree. 

Inimi dantelate negre, foarte elegante, care pot fi folosite pe post de card de nume. Trebuie doar legata de piciorul paharului. Invitatii pot scrie un scurt mesaj pe spatele inimii, agatand-o in copacul urarilor.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Contributor for PSMIYO blog / Contribui la Blogul PSMIYO

How fantastic is this? I am now a contributor for the PS Make It Your Own blog. So I am one of the PSMIYO girls. I am very excited.
These girls, Pamela and Dawn, are great. Go check their blog. Lots of yummy recipes and gorgeous parties.

Ce chestie fantastica! Contribui la blogul PS Make It Your Own. Deci sunt una din fetele PSMIYO! Sunt foarte incantata.
Fetele acestea, Pamela si Dawn, sunt foarte creative. De ce nu vizitati blogul lor? Multe retete delicioase si petreceri superbe.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Apple flower arrangement / Aranjament floral cu mere

 My best friend's wedding is next year. She wants it white and pale green and also butterflies and small white flowers. She won't tell me anything else. And of course is on a budget. 
And she wants me to do the flower arrangements. So, the first that I could think of is this lovely apple arrangement with small white field flowers and delicate lace butterflies. What do you think D? How much do you like it?

Nunta celei mai bune prietene este anul viitor. A ales culorile alb si verde deschis. Mai vrea fluturi si flori mici albe. Nu vrea sa imi mai spuna nimic altceva.  Si binenteles este cu limita de cheltuieli.
Si ar dori ca eu sa ii fac aranjamentele florale. Asa ca primul aranjament la care m-am gandit este un aranjament cu mere si flori mici albe de camp, cu fluturasi delicati. Ce parere ai D? Cat de mult iti place?

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Origami wish tree tags in cream and lilac / Inimi de agatat in crem si liliac

 If your wedding color scheme is in cream and lilac these origami style wish tree tags are just perfect. Great for the guests to write their wishes for the bride and groom.

Inimi in stil origami in crem si lila pentru o nunta in care nuntasii scriu urarile lor de bine pentru miri pe aceste inimi si apoi le agata intr-un copacel - copacul urarilor.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Purple doves love birds as wedding decorations / Pasarele porumbei mov ca si decoratii pentru nunta

 place card, escort card


 chair decoration 

 These are gorgeous love birds/doves in purple. They are the perfect addition to any party, wedding, bridal shower. Can be used as place cards, escort cards, wish tags, hung as a banner or a chair decoration. You can easily write your guests' name on a wing if used as a place cards as they are 10 cm long from beak to tail and 9 cm long from where it stands to the tip of the feather. Also, if used as wish tags the guests can open up the bird and write their wishes inside the birds and then hung on a line. The perfect choice for a romantic wedding.
 place card
 wish tag

Aceste pasarele superbe sunt alegerea perfecta pentru o petrecere sau o nunta. Pot fi folosite ca si card-uri de nume, agatate ca si decoratii sau ghirlande. Pentru a fi folosite ca si card-uri de nume pur si simplu se scrie numele invitatului pe aripa. Dimensiunile approx sunt: 10 cm de la cioc la coada si 9 cm de jos pana la varful aripilor. De asemenea daca alegeti sa le folositi ca si card-uri de impresii, tot ce e nevoie ca invitatii sa faca e sa deschida porumbelul, sa scrie urarile  si sa-l agate pe o panglica. Alegerea perfecta pentru o nunta romantica.