Saturday, 23 February 2013

Beautiful hazelnut birds/doves

Beautiful birds in hazelnut color - standing birds, great as place cards, escort cards, making a banner from or just used for decor - and hanging birds, great as wish tree tags, making a banner from or used for decor.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

And the butterflies...

Si fluturii...

Monday, 18 February 2013

Hazelnut and cream cake favor boxes / Tort crem si aluna

This is a special order for N: 2 beautiful paper cakes in hazelnut and cream with butterflies. I just love how it turned out. I made lots of pictures to see how can 48 boxes can be arranged.

Aceste 'torturi' din carton sunt o comanda speciala pentru N.: in crem si culoarea alunei cu fluturi. Imi place la nebunie cum a iesit. Am facut multe poze ca sa se vada cum pot fi aranjate 48 de cutii.

Paper flowers / Flori din hartie

And here are the paper flowers, in hot pink/fuchsia and bright blue

Saturday, 16 February 2013

White, hot pink and blue 'cake' / Tort alb, roz si albastru

This is a special order for F. She is planning a sweets table and asked me to make a special 'cake' for her in white with hot pink and bright blue flowers. I just love the combination. I just couldn't stop from making photos. Since there are 7 tiers in this cake it is very easy to arrange them in many ways.

Acest 'tort' este o comanda speciala pentru F. Ea planifica o masa de dulciuri si mi-a cerut sa-i fac un 'tort' mai special in alb cu flori intense de roz si albastru. Imi place combinatia la nebunie. Pur si simplu nu m-am putut opri din facutul pozelor. Pentru ca 'tortul' are 7 etaje poate fi aranjat in multe feluri.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Bee themed cake favor boxes / Tort cutii albinuta

If you are having a bee theme party I'd say these are the perfect favor boxes that can also be part of the decor.

Daca aveti o petrecere iar tema ei este albinuta, acest tort este perfect pentru ca serveste ca piesa de decor dar si ca cutii, care pot fi umplute cu diferite dulciuri.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Kusudama flowers and favor boxes / Flori si cutii

 A mini photo shoot today since I have made all these lovely paper flowers for my friend's wedding. Today I used Kusudama flowers with my 'cake' favor boxes.

O mica sedinta foto azi, din moment ce am facur toate florile acestea frumoase din hartie pentru nunta prietenei mele. Pentru azi am folosit doar flori Kusudama pentru cutiile mele in forma de tort.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

TUTORIAL - Paper heart / Inima din hartie

 For today I prepared a very easy tutorial: how to make elegant paper hearts. You only need some paper, scissors and a stapler, so can be a last minute project for Valentine's Day. And then can be hung and used for a romantic decor.                                                    
                                                                                           Pentru azi am pregatit un tutorial foarte usor: cum sa faci inimi elegante din hartie. Tot ce ai nevoie e hartie, foarfece si un capsator .Si poate fi folosite pentru un decor romantic de Ziua Indragostitilor.

First you start off with two strips of paper. 

Pentru inceput ai nevoie de 2 fasii de hartie.
Begin by stapling one end. Leave 2-3 cm out.

Cele 2 fasii de hartie vor fi capsate la un capat, lasandu-se 2-3 cm.
 Cut both strips on the middle.

Se vor taia cei 2-3 cm de hartie pe mijloc.

 With the help of the scissors curl the paper ends.

Cu ajutorul foarfecii se vor ondula cele doua capete de hartie.
 It should look like that.

Ar trebui sa arate asa.
 Now take the other two ends and staple them to form a heart.

Vom lua celelalte 2 capate si perforam din nou formand o inima.
 Do the same for this end as well, which is staple and cut and curl.

Repetam operatiunea: perforam, taiem pe mijloc si ondulam.
 And here are the hearts. Aren't they lovely?

Si iata inimile. Asa-i ca sunt frumoase?

By using the same method you can make many other decorations. Here I tried another one.

Folosind aceeasi metoda putem face multe alte decoratii. Aici este o alta decoratie pe care am incercat-o.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Honeycomb favor boxes / Cutii faguri de miere

 Are you having a bee theme party? What will it bee party? 
Aren't these the cutest honeycomb favor boxes ever? 

 Daca aveti o petrecere unde albinuta este tema petrecerii atunci aceste cutii marturii sunt perfecte. Sunt in forma de faguri de miere si arata asa de bine ca imi vine sa le mananc!