Monday, 23 January 2012

winter mountainscape / landscape / iarna la munte

Winter is so amazing! I love the white of the snow. We moved in a small house in the mountains  last autumn. This is our 2nd winter. But I haven't seen so much snow like...ever. We walked downhill to the village today and it wasn't easy. The snow is above my knees. Very hard to walk. Some trees broke because of the snow.  The first picture is from our garden. The second one is a picture of the village. It is actually half the way from our house. I think these pictures could make very well as postcards, actually.

Iarna e superba. Imi place tare mult albul zapezii. Toamna trecuta ne-am mutat intr-o casuta in munti. Asta e a doua noastra iarna. Dar nu am vazut atata zapada vreodata. Azi am mers in sat si ... nu a fost usor. Zapada e super mare, deasupra genunchilor. Foarte greu de mers. Multi copaci s-au rupt sub greutatea zapezii.
Prima poza e din gradina noastra. A doua poza este satul. Poza e facuta la jumatatea drumului. Cred ca pozele astea ar fi super ca si vederi.

Inima din muschi de padure handmade / Handmade moss heart - topiary heart


Am facut inima asta in primavara din muschi de padure.Toamna trecuta ne-am mutat intr-o casuta in Muntii Apuseni, Padurea e la cativa metri distanta si binenteles ca e plin de muschi pe copaci.
 Inima in sine e foarte simplu de facut. Baza e din polistiren. Apoi faci agrafe din sarma. Tot secretul e sa culegi bucati cat mai mari de .muschi . Am facut tot felul de forme, copacei, topiary. Din pacate n-am poze. Si din pacate pasarelele le ciugulesc daca le lasi afara. Nu-mi dau seama de ce. Poate cred ca-i iarba. Asa ca se chelesc.
Poate o sa fac un tutorial. Poate mai vrea si altcineva sa faca asa ceva. Adevarul e ca sunt superbe si fac impresie. 

I made this moss heart back in spring. We moved last autumn in a small house somewhere in Apuseni Mt. The wood is just a few steps away and of course the trees are full of moss.
The moss heart is very simple to make. You need the base which is polystiren. Then I made some king of pins from some wire. The whole secret in doing these moss hearts is to gather pieces of moss as big as you can. I made all kind of shapes, trees, topiaries. Unfortunatelly I do not have any pictures. And unfortunately the little birds eat them. I don't know why. Maybe they think is grass. So, they're getting bold. 
Maybe I'll make a tutorial. Maybe someone else would like to make something similar. The truth is that they are superb and everybody is impressed.