Saturday, 10 January 2015

Swan So Sweet » A Party and Celebrations Blog » Fab Find: Cake favour boxes

We've been noticed! " Swan So Sweet " dedicated an entire article for our "slice of cake ‪#‎favourboxes‬"! Thank you very much, Showerella! That's so nice to be appreciated  Here is the article:

"How cute are these favor box cakes? They would make fabulous centerpieces for your next bridal party. Not only will the serve as unique centerpieces, they also double up as favor boxes! These cake favor boxes are a Swan So Sweet fab find because they are unique and cost-effective." [...] ‪#‎papercrafts‬ ‪#‎decorations‬ ‪#‎embellishments‬

Swan So Sweet » A Party and Celebrations Blog » Fab Find: Cake favour boxes