Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Chocolate, cream and hazelnut cake favor boxes / Tort cutii marturii ciocolata, frisca si aluna

  Somebody asked me for some chocolate and cream favor boxes and I remembered that some while ago my head was full of chocolate and I made some cakes. The best are these two: with chocolate chips - of course paper chocolate chips. And some hazelnut if you prefer.

Cineva mi-a cerut un tort de ciocolata cu frisca. Si mi-am adus aminte caci cu ceva timp in urma am avut o perioada cand ma gandeam doar la ciocolata si am facut cateva variante de torturi, iar astea 2 sunt cele mai reusite: cu fulgi de ciocolata - binenteles din acelasi material, carton. Si pentru variatie se poate folosi si aluna. 

1 comment:

http://petrecerifrumoase.blogspot.ro/ said...

super tare