Wednesday, 11 March 2015

My beginnings / Inceputurile mele

Back in 2004 or 2005, age 24 or 25, while going to work I used to sit next to an art teacher on the bus. Later I went to one of his painting exposition, and he was great. I told him I don't have it in me, I don't have the talent to paint or do anything artsy. He was quite annoyed and said that anyone can do it (probably everyone says that). This stuck in my head and I wanted to see, so I bought myself a small notebook and started drawing. This was in 2006. And you know what? He was right. Anyone can do art.
Here are some drawings from those early days.
First you need to want it then it involves a lot of patience and I needed to have the eraser close to me.

first try

prima incercare
second try 

a doua incercare
third try - I was tired 

a treia incercare

I 2004 sau 2005, pe la 24 sau 25 de ani, mergeam la lucru cu autobusul si deseori statem langa un profesor de desen. Mai tarziu chiar am mers la o expozitie de-a lui, si era foarte talentat. Ii spuneam ca nu am talent pentru nimic creativ. El, destul de enervat, a zis ca oricine poate face arta (probabil ca toata lumea ii zicea asta). Mi-a ramas in minte chestia asta, asa ca in 2006 mi-am cumparat un carnetel si am inceput sa desenez. Si a avut dreptate. Oricine poate face arta. Aici sunt cateva desene de la inceputurile mele. Dar pentru inceput trebuie sa vrei sa faci asta, apoi iti trebuie rabdare si o guma buna.

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